At Riverside Federation, we teach the National Curriculum (2014) which includes the following subjects: English; Maths; Science; Geography; History; Religious Education (RE); Art; Design and Technology (DT); Physical Education (PE); Music; Languages; Computing; Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) including RSE (relationships and sex education).
We have developed a knowledge rich curriculum in partnership with other professionals, so our children receive a carefully sequenced, progressive curriculum that enables them to learn key concepts through a diverse range of contexts, in both place and time, building examples that children can draw upon as their understanding grows.
Through our partnership with PKC (Primary Knowledge Curriculum), we have created a mixed age, rolling programme that provides our children with the learning they need to be successful as they move onto the next stage of their lives.
Beyond the academic learning of our curriculum, we have the Riverside Core Offer which are 25 opportunities that all children will experience before leaving our schools.
We want all of our children to leave Riverside Federation with a good vocabulary, secure knowledge, and life experiences.
In the Foundation Stage, the children learn through the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum where the focus is on learning through play. When staff judge children to be ready they begin working on the National Curriculum. At Hilgay Riverside Academy, we cover all aspects of the National Curriculum to enhance the learning experiences of the children.
Through the Foundation Stage, aspects of skills and knowledge from the National Curriculum are introduced in order to provide progression for the children.
The National Curriculum sets out what children should know, understand and do in each year group in the following subjects: English, Maths, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Languages, Music, Art and Design, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education.
Our Curriculum is more than the National Curriculum and is designed to develop subject knowledge skills and understanding and develop key social and learning skills. The Hilgay Riverside Academy Core Offer is a variety of opportunities that will be offered to all pupils throughout their time at the Hilgay Riverside Academy.
These opportunities are offered beyond the classroom opportunities of learning new skills and knowledge through the academic curriculum.
We want all of our children to leave Hilgay Riverside Academy with a good vocabulary, secure knowledge, and life experiences.
Hilgay School Address:
Church Road, Hilgay, Downham Market
Norfolk, PE38 0JL
DEMAT Office Address:
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